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 Classement J8

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2 participants

Messages : 1392
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2013
Localisation : En Bigourdanie

Classement J8 Empty
MessageSujet: Classement J8   Classement J8 EmptyLun 14 Mar - 22:20

Le peloton semble vraiment se scinder en 2 : jusqu'à Snoopmanu on va jouer la montée en Perfection et à partir de Chat Noir, on va essayer d'éviter la descente.
Quant à Pascaléon ... Il peut déjà préparer la saison Rookie de l'an prochain : M44, ton univers impitoyable ...  Twisted Evil  Twisted Evil  Twisted Evil
Allez, accroche-toi ... Ton Adjudant-Chef te laissera pas tomber ...  Cool

Classement J8 Classe13
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Messages : 274
Date d'inscription : 17/12/2014
Age : 62
Localisation : Colorado USA

Classement J8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Classement J8   Classement J8 EmptyVen 18 Mar - 16:43

Well, lucky for us this isn't the Tour de France and we as the chase group do not have to defer to the leader in the Yellow Jersey!! Laughing

Now, this is all based on my doing my part and winning the next 3 at 4-0 and all those ahead of me having the worst fate possible or at least limited success, yes, a fantasy, but as PASCALEON72 proved against the unfortunate MERLINADE, though he had fun, a 4-0 victory for P72 and things start to fall into place!!

3 matches left and several of the contenders at the top face each other, I myself face 3 above me, V37, R53 and CN, V37 vs R53, R53 vs YLB, AiW vs SNM...so many possibilities...

Now, if all things went my way, starting with 3 4-0 victories...at 15 pts I end with 27 pts...AiW with 3 defeats at 1 pt or less...27 pts at most...all the rest, V37, R53, MN, YLB, SNM, CN...of course at most maybe 7 pts for some, less for others....and none exceed 27 pts total...well, you see, those of us in the chase group, mostly ME of course...27 pts and tied up front and comes down to medals!! Very Happy

Of course, this is just a FANTASY....REALITY will be a bit more HARSH...and as our dear Chief Warrant Officer, ZIVAGO mentioned, some will ascend, others will descend and some will stay put in the PELOTON and try our luck and skill once again in either PERFECTION, CHALLENGER or ROOKIE in 2017!!

Good luck to ALL and always good to DREAM.....if not, as the MAGIC MAN MERLINADE mentioned, all in good fun!!

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